Category: Summer 2024

Meridian Summer 2024 PDF

Click Here to view the full PDF version of the Winter 2023 Meridian   COVER IMAGE: A U.S. Navy helicopter hoists a patient after he was pinned underneath a boulder in Inyo County, Calif.   Sponsor Spotlight Communication is key in SAR operations and outdoor adventures in general. Rocky Talkie is a company committed to helping

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President’s Message Summer 2024

Dear MRA, This is my last president’s message. As we move on to the next chapter of our organization, I want to thank all of you for your support over my two-year term. It has been an honor and a privilege to be leading such an amazing group of people. The MRA mission statement: “The

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Rigging the Rock: Team Lifts Boulder off Patient

Rick Lindfors-Ackerman – Meridian Editor in Chief   INDEPENDENCE, CALIF – Ingenuity, communication and a bit of automotive know-how all came into play during the rescue of a man in Inyo County, Calif. The man and a friend were hunting for quartz crystals on December 5, 2023 near Crystal Ridge around 7,300 feet. The area

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Documentary Spreads Awareness for SAR

Rick Lindfors-Ackerman – Meridian Editor in Chief A documentary film with the mission to raise awareness and support for search and rescue is gaining acclaim and popularity. “Where the Rope Ends” tells the story of Nichole Doane, a Seattle nurse who was rescued by SAR after a canyoneering accident in 2017. Doane was seriously injured

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Researching Rescuers

What inspires someone to get into volunteer search and rescue? What motivates them to make a years or decades-long commitment? These are among many questions that Dr. Yuan Huang is asking in her research of volunteer SAR. Huang is a senior lecturer at Cardiff University in Wales, U.K. Her primary focus is operations management and

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Studying Medical Treatment in Rescues

Bill M Campbell MD FAWM DiMM, MRA MedCom Chair   In Mountain Rescue we are often called to search for a missing person. Searching is a skill that is learned and also perishable if not used or practiced. But once we find the person we are looking for, what then? Some in the SAR community

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Letter from the Editor – Summer 2024

Once again I’d like to thank you for downloading and reading this issue of Meridian and hopefully enjoying the stories and contributions of MRA team members. We are used to downloading this as a file but we’ve recently taken a big step: Meridian is available as a dedicated web page on the Mountain Rescue Association

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