
The MRA Honor Guard is a nonprofit tax-exempt charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code. Sponsorships and donations are tax deductible.

Help the Honor Guard by donating to our cause.

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The Honor Guard’s needs include:

  1. Sponsor Honor Guard event at MRA Annual (June) Conference and receive free trade booth space, web link and logo and inclusion in program. $1,500.00
  2. Frequent flyer miles, as needed for funerals or other assistance for travel.
  3. Grants for traveling to, room and board, and providing public memorials and funerals for unpaid and paid search and rescue personnel throughout the U.S. and Canada. $5,000.00
  4. Car rental during funeral/memorial services. Sponsor’s magnetic logo on vehicle. $400.00
  5. Silversmith for the ice axe pin, kilt buckle and brooch-badge.
  6. Subsidy for Standard Uniform ($700.00 per volunteer member).
  7. Travel Van.
  8. 11×14 wood frames and memorial certificates to surviving families. $80.00 each service.
  9. Presentation American and Canadian Flags for line of duty deaths at $50.00 each.
  10. Presentation Wood Cases for flags at $100.00 each. Sponsor’s logo on case.
  11. Subsidy for Kilt Uniforms and Pipe Band at $1,200.00 per volunteer member.
  12. Teddy Bears for children at funeral of deceased member. $250.00
  13. Flower Wreath for family of deceased. $250.00