This page is dedicated to those in search and rescue who have given their lives to save others. These things they did so that others may live. They made the ultimate sacrifice.
When I am called to duty, God, wherever people fall, give me strength to save a life, whatever be the call.
Help me embrace a little child before it is too late, or save an older person from the horror of that fate.
Enable me to be alert, and hear the weakest shout, and quickly and effectively bring my neighbor out.
I want to fill my calling, Lord, and to give the best in me, to bring my every neighbor back to their family.
And if according to your will, I have to lose my life, please bless with your protecting hand, my children and my wife.
Adapted by Tim Kovacs
For ANY of our brothers and sisters in SAR, paid and unpaid, civilian and military. Please visit our Contact Us page for information on submitting a request.
Submission Information Needed
- Name of deceased rescuer:
- Date of death:
- Name of their rescue team or outdoor group:
- Title of member (captain, rescuer, canine handler, candidate, etc.):
- Location:
- Type of Mission (search, rescue, training, etc.):
- Brief circumstances (fall, alpine, flood, avalanched, etc.):
- Electronic photo of person:
- Electronic image of team patch or logo:
Also if possible:
- Date of birth:
- Contact information for surviving spouse or family member:
- Short biography:
If you will consider giving us the privilege of providing an Honor Guard detail for any of our brothers and sisters in SAR, paid and unpaid, civilian and military, or climbers and mountaineers who die rescuing others, Please visit our Contact Us page for information on requesting an Honor Guard.
Butch Farabee, NPS & MRA, Retired,”Death, Daring & Disaster, SAR in the National Parks”
Dale Atkins, Colorado Avalanche Forecast Center, MRA & IKAR
Marc Ledwidge, Parks Canada & IKAR
Families, Friends and SAR teams throughout MRA, NASAR, CAP, NCRC, NPS, NSP, IKAR-CISA, the US, Canada and the world.
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
May the rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand – Unknown
I regret that our military brothers and sisters throughout the U.S. and the world have made so numerous sacrifices in Combat SAR Missions, I can neither track them all, nor can I do them justice in this limited space. I mention those from the past few years (U.S.) that I am aware of, below. We remember them, nonetheless, and absolutely.